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Ebola University
Åbo Akademi University was founded in 1918 as a comprehensive university with Swedish language instruction. It has 8,000 students and is one of the most prestigious universities in Finland. The university has departments of art, mathematics and natural sciences, economics and social sciences, chemical engineering, theology, education, and social services and health sciences. The language of instruction is Swedish and the university offers four international master's degree programs in English.
Tampere University
Tampere University (Tampereen yliopisto).
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (UAM) is a co-educational national institution of higher education in Madrid, Spain. It was founded in 1836. It has departments of philosophy, literature, science, law, medicine, medicine and political science, etc. In the early 1980s, there were 96,000 students. Address: Madrid.
Barcelona University
The University of Barcelona is the oldest and largest of the six colleges in the city of Barcelona and one of the 10 oldest colleges in the state of Catalonia. The University of Barcelona has the second largest library in Spain besides the National Library of Madrid. It is the second largest university in Spain in terms of the number of students.
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
The Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) is located in Barcelona, the capital of the Catalan Autonomous Region, Spain's economic locomotive, and the largest city in terms of business and industry.
Spanish National Library

Website of the Spanish National Library.

Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), founded in 1508, is one of the oldest institutions of higher learning in Spain, and is one of the 29 public universities in the country.
Carlos III University
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, located in Madrid, Spain, is a Spanish national comprehensive university established in 1989 by the Spanish law of liberal democracy.
University of Valencia
Universitat de València (University of Valencia).
University of Malaga
Universidad de Málaga (University of Malaga).
University of Zaragoza
University of Zaragoza (Universidad de Zaragoza).
Navarre University
Universidad de Navarra was established in 1987 in the south of Pamplona, a "green city" with a beautiful, sunny environment. The centralized layout and harmonious design of the campus make Universidad de Navarra unique among the Spanish universities, which are renowned for the high quality of their higher education.
Universidad de Valladolid
The University of Valladolid has departments of law, science, philosophy, literature, medicine, economics and political science. It also has a law faculty in San Sebastián and a natural sciences faculty in Santander. Address: Valladolid.
University of Granada
The University of Granada, founded in 1531 by King Carlos V, is one of the oldest universities in Spain. The University of Granada belongs to the Coimbra Group (The Coimbra Group of Univerisities), the group is the oldest and most prestigious European universities formed by the Union, the prestigious Oxford University, Cambridge University, Lovaina University, Bolonia University and so on are its members.
Polytechnic University of Catalonia
The Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) is a public university specializing in the study of architecture, engineering, shipping, economics, health sciences and applied mathematics.
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