

current location:Type/Industry > Life > Dating >
Italian Dating Center
Global Italian dating site.
Germany's popular dating site.
ElitePartner is the premium partner agency for high-end singles looking for a life partner. The Hamburg-based company has more than 4 million members and is one of the largest partner exchanges in the German-speaking world.
We provide a platform for people over 50 to find like-minded people for friendship and romance. Whether it's for coffee, a sporting event or a trip together.
Dating Cafe
German Dating Cafe (Dating Cafe) website, find your ideal partner, sign up now and fall in love!
German Dating Center
Global German dating site.
KissNoFrog is one of the largest lifestyle dating portals in Germany.
This is a popular dating site with thousands of local singles, each with a good chance of finding someone with similar interests.
French famous dating site, 100% free dating since 1998.
Match UK Dating
The world's largest dating site Match UK is the place to go to date and meet new people.
be2 UK Matching Service
Join the world's fastest growing matchmaking service with over 20 million members. Take our free personality test and find your perfect match!
UK online dating site.
Dating Agency
Dating over 40 years old.
OurTime UK
UK dating site for people over 50.
eHarmony UK
eHarmony is a personalized dating service that offers users a highly compatible match. In the UK, over 4 million singles are registered with eHarmony.
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