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America's leading free online dating site.
hi5 is an American social dating site. hi5 makes it easy to meet and make new friends through games, sharing hobbies, advice from friends, browsing profiles and much more.
Twitter (commonly known as Twitter in unofficial Chinese) is an American social networking and micro-blogging service, and is one of the ten most visited websites on the Internet worldwide. It is a typical application of micro-blogging. It allows users to update messages of up to 140 characters, which are also known as "tweets". The service was founded by Jack Dorsey in March 2006 and launched in July of that year, Twitter has become so popular around the world that, as of March 2012, Twitter had 140 million active users, according to current Twitter CEO Dick Costello, and Twitter has been described as "the messaging service of the Internet. Twitter has been described as "the messaging service of the Internet".
American online dating site.
Through Bebo's social network, students can keep in touch with friends and their families, find long-lost friends, and meet new friends. Based in San Francisco, it is very popular in the UK and Ireland.
Myspace is a social networking service that provides interpersonal interaction, user-defined friend networks, personal profile pages, blogs, groups, photo, music and video video sharing and storage.
Girls Ask Guys
Girls Ask Guys is the largest dating site for men and women in the United States. By using marriage questions and answers to make friends with the opposite sex, you not only gain knowledge and insight, but also meet the ideal person who is compatible with you and your heart.
LinkedIn is the world's largest professional social networking site, with more than 300 million members in over 200 countries and regions. LinkedIn is dedicated to providing a platform for people in the global workplace to communicate and to help them make the most of their careers. By joining, you can access member profiles, job openings, industry news, networking news and relevant information that will help you with your career skills.
Free online dating site.
Online dating with Christian singles around the world.
Since 2002, has been providing its members with a higher level of dating services. The quality of our membership base is exceptional, we have millionaires, models and professional businessmen that are popular with women.
Millionaire Mate
Millionaire dating site, wealth and beauty combined.
Jewish Dating Center
The largest Jewish dating site on the Internet, with over 400,000 registered members. The site offers features unique to Jewish culture, such as questions about food and orthodoxy, and the frequency of religious service attendance.
Black dating site.
Online dating site for men and women over 50 years old.
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