

current location:Country > Europe > Romania > Government >
Romanian Immigration Service

The website is the official website of the Romanian Immigration Office ( The Romanian Immigration Office's official website provides the latest information on immigration, refugee and social integration of foreigners, including EU/EEA citizens, non-EU citizens, refugee and integration, laws and regulations.

Chinese Embassy in Romania

The website is for the Chinese Embassy in Romania ( Ambasada Republicii Populare Chineze in Romania is the official website of the Chinese Embassy in Romania, which mainly provides the introduction of the Embassy, information about the Ambassador, the latest news, China-Romania relations, consular services, economic and trade exchanges, Romania overview, latest news, special topics, etc. The website is available in Chinese and Romanian.

Embassy of Romania in China

The website is the official website of the Embassy of Romania in China ( Embassy of Romania in Beijing is the official website of the Embassy of Romania in China, which provides information about the Embassy, its profile, latest news, consular services, Romania and China, Consulate General in Shanghai, Consulate General in Hong Kong, Romania profile, visa, news, etc. The website is available in Chinese, Romanian and English.

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