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Croatian Embassy in China

The website is the official website of the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in China ( The website is the official website of the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in China, providing information on the Embassy, the Embassy's profile, the latest news, consular services, Croatia, China, China relations, investing in Croatia, tourism, news, etc. The website is available in Chinese and English.

Chinese Embassy in Croatia

The Embassy of China in the Republic of Croatia ( EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA) Information:
Address: MLINOVI 132, 10000 ZAGREB, REPUBLIC OF CROATIA& lt;br> Country Code: 003851
Duty Office: 4637011
Office: 4693014
Military Office: 4693013
Consulate: 4693002
Fax: 4637012
Email: [ email protected]

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