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Croatia's leading news portal.
24sata is the largest Croatian domestic entertainment magazine.
Croatia Evening News
The Croatian newspaper Vecernji list, founded in 1959 and now headquartered in Slavonia, is a conservative news daily. The newspaper was first published in June 1957 and then quickly merged with the People's Newspaper to form the current Evening News in 1959.
Liberty Dalmatian
Slobodna Dalmacija is a Croatian daily newspaper, published in the southern Croatian city of Split, first published in 1943, initially as a regional newspaper, in the following decades developed into one of the most widely read and widely distributed daily newspapers in the former Yugoslavia. The success of the newspaper was largely due to its humor, and famous Croatian humorists started their careers in the newspaper. In addition, the newspaper became a forum for new political ideas of the time, which was also an important reason for its success.
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