

iOS7 creative UI design sharing network

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brief introduction

KeauTi:iOS7 Creative UI is a site for the latest version of the Apple system iOS7 APP template design sharing, is one of the mobile UI designers must have site for developers to provide beautiful design APP UI design interface.

iOS7 officially released, Apple users also gradually But many users find that the apps on their iPhone and iPad have a feeling of not working with the system. This is because some apps are not designed to follow the iOS7 app design scheme exactly.

From iOS6 to iOS7, the design of the system has changed qualitatively. According to Apple's official statement, iOS7 native applications are required to meet three themes: compliance, clarity, and depth. Obedience, that is, the UI design to help users understand the content, interact with the content, rather than allowing conflict between the content; clear, that is, the size of each text to meet the requirements, the icon fine smooth, decorative to clever, function-oriented design; depth, the visual level and action to convey the vitality of the user to delight, to help them understand the content.

But some new entrants to the development of the industry found that they designed, developed applications almost no "design" to speak of, the use of templates, copy the design of other systems from time to time. If you want to design a good product, you need the help of professionals, to appreciate the excellent UI design works is also a great enjoyment it.

iOS7 creative UI design sharing network
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