

current location:Country > North > Canada > Government >
National Defence Canada

The Department of National Defence (English: Department of National Defence, French: Ministère de la Défense nationale) is a Canadian government department established in 1923 to take charge of Canada's national defence and to oversee the Canadian Forces. It is responsible for the national defense of Canada and the Canadian Forces. The Department of National Defence (English: Department of National Defence, French: Ministère de la Défense nationale) is a Canadian government department established in 1923 and is responsible for the national defence of Canada;

World Anti-Doping Agency
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The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is an independent department of the International Olympic Committee, established in Lausanne, Switzerland in 1999 and headquartered in Montreal, Canada, dedicated to anti-doping in sports.

International Society of Industrial Design

The International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (abbreviated as ICSID) is one of the world's top three professional design societies, founded in 1957 and now headquartered in Montreal, Canada. The International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID) is one of the world's three major professional designers, founded in 1957 and now headquartered in Montreal, Canada.


Airports Council International (ACI) is a non-governmental international organization founded in 1991 and headquartered in Montreal, Canada, whose primary purpose is to provide a safe and efficient air transportation system for the public.

Ontario Teachers' Association

The Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) is the largest self-regulatory body for teaching in Canada, established in 1997. The OCT is responsible for the licensing, administration, and regulation of teaching, the regulation of teacher certification and professional development, and the investigation and correction of teacher misconduct.

The Prime Minister's Office of Canada

This website is the official website of the Prime Minister of Canada, providing information on the Prime Minister's Office, Cabinet settings, missions, current affairs, and more. The website is available in French and English. Canada is a federal parliamentary system in which the King is the head of state and the Governor General is the Queen's representative in Canada, and the Prime Minister and Cabinet members are the highest executive authority.

Canada Immigration Navigator

CIC:Canada Immigration Terminal is the most complete collection of official Canadian and Quebec immigration websites. From the beginning of the immigration application, to life in Canada, the official website of Canadian immigration.


The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is a semi-official international coordinating organization of national airlines, formerly known as the International Air Transport Association (IAA), founded in The Hague in 1919. IATA's primary role is to coordinate and communicate government policies and solve operational problems through the air transport industry.

Chinese Professionals Association of Canada
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The Chinese Professionals Associat (CPAC) is an overseas organization of Chinese professionals, which aims to promote exchanges and contacts between professionals from all walks of life in Canada and China, and to facilitate cooperation between the two places. It also provides information and business information in various fields for Chinese living in Canada, and provides a reliable platform to help new immigrants integrate into mainstream Canadian society and fight for their legal rights.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (English: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, French: Pêches et Océans Canada) is a Canadian government department established in 1868 to protect and sustainably use Canada's fishery resources and to provide safe, efficient and environmentally sound marine resources. Pêches et Océans Canada is a Canadian government department established in 1868 to protect and sustainably use Canada's fisheries resources and provide safe, efficient and environmentally sound marine services.

Liberal Party of Canada

The Liberal Party of Canada is one of the two major political parties in Canada (the other being the Conservative Party of Canada), founded in 1873 with a left-of-centre political position - more left than the Conservative Party of Canada, but more left than the New Canadian Party. left of the Conservative Party of Canada, but to the right of the New Democratic Party of Canada. Because it was in power for nearly 69 years during the 20th century, it is often referred to as "Canada's ex-officio ruling party".

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (French: Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada) is a Canadian government department established in 1868 and is responsible for The Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, French: Agriculture et Agalimentaire Canada) is a Canadian government department established in 1868 and is responsible for agricultural production, research, development, inspection, and plant and animal regulations.

Cultural Heritage Canada

Canadian Heritage (English: Canadian Heritage, French: Patrimoine canadien) is a Canadian government department established in 1993 to focus on Canadian arts, culture, communications, media, sports and other related matters.

Treasury Board of Canada

The Department of Finance Canada (DFC) is a Canadian government department established in 1867 and headquartered in Ottawa, responsible for Canadian economic and fiscal policy, economic development and corporate finance, and tax policy.

Canadian Food Inspection Agency

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is a Canadian government department established in 1997 and is responsible for the regulation of food, animal and plant safety in Canada.

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