Monocle: A Global Perspective on Life A lifestyle magazine for young people, fashionistas, and business people in general, founded by Canadian journalist and entrepreneur Tyler Brule, the magazine offers global perspectives and international issues, culture, and design.
Monocle magazine is a collaboration between Foreign Policy and Vanity Fair two magazine collection, MONOCLE has now opened stores in London, New York, Tokyo, Zurich, Hong Kong and Beijing, which operates a creative retail merchandise to cooperate with major brands of clothing, creative accessories and furniture as the main, there are MONOCLE's own goods, prices are definitely not cheap.
This magazine is a dialogue with a highly mobile society and community, where everyone travels around the world regularly. MONOCLE is about taking them to different places and giving them a new perspective on the world. Our magazine covers various fields such as international news, business and finance, art and culture, and design trends.
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