

High Sensitivity Group|On-line Sensitivity Index Test

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brief introduction

The highly sensitive clade group was established in 1997 by Aron, EN and Aron, A, a couple of scholars proposed the concept, highly sensitive group refers to a group of people who are sensitive to internal and external stimuli and easily overwhelmed by emotions, how to know if you are this kind of people, you may wish to test through an online test answer to see.


In the definition of Aron and Aron because their brains are particularly sensitive when processing sensory- processing) is particularly sensitive. Highly sensitive groups are not the same as introverts, but may have a positive correlation with introverted traits, although the correlation is very unstable; they are also different from emotional people, but have a positive correlation with emotional people.

Highly sensitive groups may come from genes or from the environment, just as many personalities do. This article does not explore in detail how much influence genes and the environment have, but the paper mentions: poor parenting style in early childhood may be the source of high sensitivity, because in the process of constantly receiving negative stimuli. This is quite understandable, after all, a person in crisis, have to raise the alarm from time to time, to make the fight or flight preparations, it is natural to become more sensitive.

In addition, parents with poor parenting styles are more likely to cause negative childhood experiences for people from highly sensitive groups; after all, they have a lower threshold for emotional feelings, and naturally have more difficulty tolerating harsh parental criticism, and are more likely to have negative childhood experiences.

Interestingly, the study noted that women were more likely than men to score higher on the High Sensitivity Test, but in previous studies, no gender differences in sensitivity were found in newborns, so the researchers believe that this may come from social expectations: because society does not allow men to be sensitive, making men less likely to identify themselves as sensitive. Therefore, the researchers suggest that this may be due to social expectations: because society does not allow men to be sensitive, men are less likely to perceive themselves as having sensitive personalities, thus leading to differences in response results.

Aron, E. N., and Aron, after compiling past literature and conducting qualitative interviews, developed the Highly Sensitive Person Scale Items, a total of 27 questions that can help readers conduct The scale has a total of 27 questions that can help readers to test.

High Sensitivity Group|On-line Sensitivity Index Test
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