

Web Performance Monitoring Service Platform

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brief introduction

CloudMonitor:Website The Performance Monitoring Service Platform is a service site that globally monitors the live status of the site 24/7, receives alerts at the first sign of a problem through a redundant alert network, monitors and checks the performance of 95 workstations in 48 countries/regions, and uses scripts to verify every step of a single-click path or transaction in depth.

Traditional site monitoring tools emulate browsers to Check usability and performance. Real-world browser monitoring allows you to verify site performance as perceived by end users using real browsers. Accurately measure the performance of real browser visits; identify performance issues when using a real browser; verify that your site and web applications provide the best user experience; and manage asynchronous communications for RIAs and reports during browser execution.

Today's websites often use client-side technologies (HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS) to present pages while combining various components from different geographic locations. However, this can lead to perceived performance problems on the site. Sure, your site may achieve a perfectly fast load from the office and other locations in the region, but what about other cities or other countries/regions?

If your site attracts users from multiple regional groups, you should be aware and consider using a real browser to monitor the speed of your site. Content published from your own server may be locally optimized, but can all other components be locally optimized as well? And, what is the true load speed you want your site to have for international visitors?

Full page monitoring checks that each component of your site is responding correctly, and the feature verifies that the combined site is running, from the source web server to the end-user's browser. This is the standard for verifying the real experience of your site, reports and end-users, and demonstrates insight beyond that of conventional web monitoring tools (which synthetically mimic browsers to check site availability and performance.) .

Web Performance Monitoring Service Platform
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