

Online Infographic Resume Production Website

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brief introduction

Vizualize:Online Information Vizualize is a service that helps candidates use information from social media to create beautiful infographics for their résumés. The service can import your LinkedIn résumé information, make it into an infographic, and reinvent the résumé by creating something more relevant, more intuitive, and more dynamic. One way to do this is to turn your text into an icon.

The site is a new startup whose The founder, Eugene Woo, was inspired by something Chris Spurlock did, such as saying you are a designer for a consulting firm. Your resume will graphically display a time block, which is the amount of time you've been working there, say from 2010 to the present. You can link from this time block to the relevant projects you have done at the consulting firm. This is a very concise way to display information.

Currently we only use data from LinkedIn. We may use Facebook data next, since people do add their own bios on Facebook. The paid version supports advanced visualization: colorful, professionally designed themes that showcase personal branding in an exciting new way; an integrated portfolio of products: and job-related images, videos, links, and other elements displayed in your bios.

Online Infographic Resume Production Website
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