

Online PDF file editing and reading tool

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brief introduction

With PDFESCAPE service, you can read, edit, add annotations, watermarks and other operations online. PDFESCAPE provides three PDF sources: local uploads, network addresses and previously uploaded files. Note that the free service must upload pdf files of less than 10M and less than 100 pages.

For basic needs to say enough to use. Open the home page and click the red button in the bottom right corner. It can also be loaded on the Internet without uploading. And there is no watermark. In addition to the free version, there is also a premium version. The functions are classified as follows: basically the free version is enough.

After opening the file you can edit the text, cover the area or add a link, add a note to the content, etc. The not-so-good point is that this site is only in English, if the English is not very good, you can choose to use the chrome browser for translation.

Online PDF file editing and reading tool
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