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Social B2B promotion and marketing platform

Influitive:Social AdvocateHub, a B2B promotional marketing company headquartered in Toronto, Canada, launched its social promotional marketing platform, AdvocateHub, which allows businesses to leverage and mobilize existing resources such as customer supporters, evangelists and fans by creating Web portals for promotion.

With AdvocateHub, businesses can Users can ask brand supporters to answer questions, fill out surveys or share promotions on their social media sites, and then be rewarded for meeting the criteria. By providing fans with a superior game-like experience, Influitive enables branding campaigns to increase both quality and quantity.

AdvocateHub hopes to enable advocates to build a deeper relationship with brands and help corporate clients gain word of mouth and influence through the power of public communication. Organ says that by "gamifying" social marketing, not only will advertisers get word-of-mouth, but brand fans will also be rewarded with things like free service experiences.

What if you could capture and promote the enthusiasm that your best customers - your fans, your

What if you could capture and promote the enthusiasm that your best customers - your fans, your evangelists, your advocates - have for you and your product?

Your customer advocates are the most powerful people to speak for you, share their experiences, and explain the benefits of selecting you.

But how do How can you make the experience much more meaningful than simply agreeing to a case study, referring you, or agreeing to How can you make the experience much more meaningful than simply agreeing to a case study, referring you, or agreeing to provide a reference?

That's the secret behind AdvocateHub. The AdvocateHub is built around the needs of your advocates first and foremost. Our idea is simple: provide a better experience for your advocates, and they will increase their activity. Your advocate army, fully mobilized, is the most effective asset you have for getting your prospective customers to buy faster.

& Your advocate army, fully mobilized, is the most effective asset you have for getting your prospective customers to buy faster.

&p>We believe that the future belongs to companies that generate and mobilize their advocates. I look forward to working with you to make this vision a reality.

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