

Free HD Stock Footage Collection [TheStocks

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brief introduction

The Stocks website is a selection of 16 material sites that integrate selected material libraries together, allowing users to find images that meet their needs more quickly and easily, and these sites also use the CC0 license. However, the emphasis is on different types of photos with different themes, and most of the photos that appear here are free to use.

For designers who usually use free galleries for their work, The Stocks may be a good choice. After opening The Stocks website, select the free gallery you want to browse directly from the left menu, and it will open on the right side of the page.

The Stocks contains many types of free galleries, for example, there is a Free Nature Stock, which focuses on nature photos, or the New Old Stock, which collects old photos, all of which can be downloaded and used for free. We recommend adding The Stocks to your bookmarks so that you have more choices when looking for pictures in the future.

Free HD Stock Footage Collection [TheStocks
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