

MaterialUI|Well-known web design color combinations

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brief introduction

Material UI is a collection of common design styles dedicated to The site includes common representative colors used in major social networking sites, as well as a very useful color code meter, in addition to providing Material Design icons, color pickers and Unicode Characters search tools.

After opening the Material UI website, you can switch from the menu in the upper left corner to the Material UI website. As mentioned earlier, there are many common color combinations which are very useful for web design or application development, such as common community website colors, colors, Material Design, Metro colors, etc.

By default, the #HEX value of the color is displayed and automatically copied when the color block is clicked. If you are used to using other ways to set colors, Material UI also provides RGB, RGBA or HEX values without the # sign. To understand the color codes used by these sites, the Social Colors page contains a list of common social networking sites that will pop up and automatically copy the color codes used by the service if you click on the color.

MaterialUI|Well-known web design color combinations
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