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Online visualized URL navigation

KadaZa:Online Visualization URL KadaZa is a new generation navigation website with visual icons, categories, collections, multilingual versions and other features.

Kadaza provides a centralized retrieval tool that incorporates search platforms such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Wikipedia, covering web, news, image, and video search.

To make Kadaza more diverse and open, Kadaza will accept user-recommended sites and will develop multi-country versions of navigation sites that blend together according to the needs of different countries and languages, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy.

The Kadaza website is also carefully designed and handpicked, using the most commonly used services and website icons to set up a navigation platform, in this navigation, including commonly used websites, news sites, e-commerce, sports, entertainment, blogs and other platforms, each type will be the most commonly used, the reputation of people The icon recommendation of more than 20 websites that are very good.

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