

Real-time CSS Debugging Tool

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brief introduction

LiveStyle: is a plugin that supports Chrome and Safari browser real-time CSS debugging plug-in tool, very suitable for front-end engineers to use to provide front-end engineers with development efficiency, but also the use of LiveStyle and Sublime Text3 editor can be combined to achieve visual development, a configuration, easy to use.

Emmet LiveStyle's Features:

1. Real-time updates (no page reloading, no saving after style changes);;

2. Multiple pages previewed at the same time (example: open multiple pages at the same time and When the CSS is modified, the changes are displayed on these pages);

3. Two-way modification (In Chrome Developer Tools and Sublime Text, as long as there is a change, the style of both tools will be changed.)

4. Easy to install and use.

Real-time CSS Debugging Tool
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