

Online Asteroid Exploration Platform

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brief introduction

Asteroid Zoo:Online Asteroid Exploration Platform is a technical platform that emerged from NASA's Asteroid Discovery Algorithm Competition, jointly developed by Zooniverse and Chicago's Adler Planetarium, similar to a gaming competition platform, where the rules of the game are to allow the public to search for near-Earth asteroids that have not been discovered by existing software and equipment.

This will allow people to use Asteroid Zoo data results will be used to create new discovery algorithms and mechanisms to improve the efficiency and reliability of existing software for discovering near-Earth asteroids. Planetary Resources will provide the raw astronomical telescope data to the participants online.

NASA's Asteroid Grand Challenge is not about finding asteroids, but about using the Asteroid Zoo data results to create new discovery algorithms and mechanisms that will improve the efficiency and reliability of existing software for discovering near-Earth asteroids. Planetary Resources will provide the raw astronomical telescope data to the contestants online.

Online Asteroid Exploration Platform
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