

ASCII emoji sharing network【Hexascii

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brief introduction

The Hexascii website is a site that provides Many users know such emoticons, but don't know how to input them into the chat tool with the keyboard, now you can copy and paste them into the chat window through this site and send them.

ASCII codes use a specified combination of 7 or 8-bit The ASCII code uses a specified combination of 7- or 8-bit binary numbers to represent 128 or 256 possible characters. The standard ASCII code, also called the base ASCII code, uses 7-bit binary numbers to represent all upper and lower case letters, the digits 0 through 9, punctuation marks, and special control characters used in American English.

We all know the Emoji symbol, which is also based on ASCII code developed for use in messages and emails as an early version of the emoji icons :-), :-( evolved. Nowadays, whether in public or private communication platforms, these small yellow avatars with rich expressions and different scenes (such as dancing girls, umbrellas, snowmen, saxophones, eggplants) are used as creative emoji for the whole communication process.

ASCII emoji sharing network【Hexascii
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