

Korean Hand Painting Artwork Blog

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brief introduction

JamSan:Korean hand-painted artworks The blog is a Korean design founder's personal works showcase blog, introducing their own design of outstanding works, mainly engaged in game character design, hand-painted various game scenes, superb hand-drawing techniques will definitely let you shout addiction.

For the modeler to hand-draw is not necessary, but also There are many excellent modelers who have never studied art. But the foundation of art is still very important (the foundation of art is not only hand-drawing, but also the ability to appreciate art, the knowledge of human body structure, the knowledge of light and shadow structure), these basics are the foundation of character modeling.

Those good modelers/character designers must have a deep knowledge of human body structure, light and shadow even if they have never studied art! Art foundation can help you quickly understand these, this is to help you. Of course can not rely on these alone, modeling and modeling to learn, max polygon / maya polygon / Z-b high precision modeling have their own system, character modeling should also involve color, clothing, hair and so on. But the art is always the bottom of the foundation.

Korean Hand Painting Artwork Blog
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