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Korea Ministry of Education Official Website

Mest.Go.Kr:Korea The official website of the Ministry of Education (MOE) is the management department of the education industry in Korea, providing an introduction to the department, education policies, education programs, education news, education data, and other content.

The Korean Ministry of Education website is available in Korean and English. The Ministry of Education has five agencies directly under the Ministry of Education, including the Korean Academy of Academic Affairs, the National History Compilation Committee, the International Education Promotion Institute, the Faculty Disciplinary Board, and the National Institute of Special Education.

Official Website of the National Assembly of Korea

Assembly:It is the only official website of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea. The National Assembly of Korea is elected by universal suffrage and has 299 members with a four-year term of office. Among them, two-thirds of the members are elected by universal suffrage, that is, 224 members are elected by universal suffrage and 75 members are allocated proportionally.

The National Assembly of the Republic of Korea is the unicameral system of the Republic of Korea The National Assembly is a unicameral legislature with 300 seats, whose main functions include considering and passing or rejecting bills; reviewing and approving the government budget; inspecting the work of the government; approving foreign treaties and agreeing to declare war or make peace, impeaching the president and key government officials, and vetoing presidential emergency orders. The National Assembly of the Republic of Korea website is the main way for the community and the public to learn about the decisions and information of the National Assembly.

Korea has a political system of three branches of government, and the National Assembly is the highest legislative body in the country. The National Assembly is the highest legislative body of the country. All Korean citizens who have reached the age of 19, except those who have been suspended or deprived of their voting rights or other special provisions according to the Public Election Act and other laws, have the right to elect members of the National Assembly.

Those who have the right to vote must register as voters in accordance with the relevant provisions of the election law in order to be eligible to vote. The voter list is a document with legal effect. If a citizen in the constituency is listed on the voter list, he is entitled to the right to vote by law; if he is not listed, he is not entitled to or cannot exercise the right to vote. Voters cast two votes at the time of voting, i.e., they can choose both the candidate for Congress and the political party they support in their constituency at the time of voting.

Korea E-Government
The Korean government launched an electronic government website to facilitate the handling of administrative business for the nation.
Seoul City Hall
The official website of the Seoul Metropolitan Government, which includes not only a comprehensive introduction to the administrative and business areas of Seoul, but also a variety of information on the economy, tourism, arts, culture, and education. This website provides instant and quick access to various events held and conducted in Seoul recently.
Embassy of Korea in China
Korean embassy in China official website, includes embassy introduction, Korea-China relations, Korean enterprise information, consular information, education information.
Ministry of Education, Korea
Korea Ministry of Education official website.
Busan City Hall
The official website of Busan Metropolitan City, which provides information on the administration, culture, and tourism of the area.
Cheong Wa Dae, Korea
Cheong Wa Dae is the official residence of the President of Korea. It has a presidential office, a reception hall, a meeting room, and a living room, as well as a secretariat, a police room, and a welcome building. The most distinctive feature of Cheong Wa Dae is its green tiles, and the first thing you see when you arrive at Cheong Wa Dae is the green tiles of the main building. The main building of Cheongwadae is backed by Mount Bukyok, and the green tiles and the curved roof are very beautiful together. Just as Cheongwadae represents Korea, the green tiles and the curved roof represent Cheongwadae.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea
Official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea.
Korea-China Friendship Association
To strengthen mutual exchanges in the fields of society, culture, sports, arts, science and technology.
Consulate General of Korea in Shanghai
Website of the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Shanghai. It was established in 1993, the year when Korea and China established diplomatic relations. The consular district includes 1 city and 3 provinces, namely Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui.
Korea Ministry of Justice
The Ministry of Justice of Korea is a government department responsible for judicial affairs in Korea, created in 1948 to serve the people of the Republic of Korea by protecting and enforcing the Constitution and laws of the Republic. The Ministry of Justice will establish a culture of law and order and compliance, create a fair and transparent society, and implement future-oriented legal administration.
The Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Republic of Korea
The official website of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Republic of Korea, mainly includes information on the embassy, consular affairs, news media, Chinese students, China-Korea relations, and information on going to Korea.
Jeju Provincial Government
The official website of Jeju Province, providing information on the administration, culture, and tourism of the region.
Overseas Kyoikuin (KOIS)
The official English website of the Korean government, providing information on Korea's politics, economy, society and culture
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