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Interpark is a Korean company that was originally established as an online auction site and shopping center. In 1997, it started its online bookstore service, and in 2004, it was ranked as the number one online bookstore.
YP Books
Young Poong Books (commonly known as YP Books) is a major Korean bookstore headquartered in the Gangnam district of Seoul, Korea. YP Books is a subsidiary of the Young Poong Group, one of the top three bookstore companies in Korea.
Kyobo Educational Security Library
Kyoho Bunko is the largest bookstore chain in Korea. There are about 2.3 million e-books, so you can easily find any book you need.
YES24 is the number one online bookstore in Korea. It has the largest collection of book information in Korea and offers a variety of cultural content and services, including albums, DVDs and movies.
National Central Library of Korea

The National Central Library of Korea has the dual function of a national library and a public library. The library is divided into the main library and branch libraries by category, serving the entire population.

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