StyleShare website is a StyleShare is a Korean fashion platform that has received tens of millions of dollars in funding and is dedicated to solving young people's clothing worries. A total of 200,000 dressing styles have been created, and 5,000 more are being added every day.
The StyleShare website was founded by Korean Although there are many Korean fashion magazines and media, they still can't solve the problem of how to dress young people, so she created StyleShare to let people who can dress share their dressing pictures on their cell phones.
In StyleShare there are now millions of users from 120 countries who share information about fashion in their daily lives, clothes they want to own, makeup tips, discounts, etc. The platform is a space for users who are deeply passionate about fashion. Share your fashion information through StyleShare and make your life interesting and exciting! Here you can communicate with fashionistas from all over the world and get answers to questions such as "what to wear" and "how to wear a style that suits you better? A series of questions are answered here.
The StyleShare app supports uploading photos, commenting, liking, favoriting, sharing, etc. It can also filter users' favorite content based on gender, making it easy to collect and share trend information and make friends. By leveraging the new elements of Asian street fashion, including Korea, StyleShare has the highest potential to become the leading platform for sharing fashion elements.
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