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Korean Folk Village
Korean Folk Village is a field museum that collects and preserves cultural materials rich in ancestral spirits and provides an on-site learning place for growing children.
National Central Museum of Korea
National Central Museum of Korea website.
TripAdvisor Korea
TripAdvisor is the world's leading travel website, providing reviews and recommendations from travelers around the world, with comprehensive coverage of hotels, attractions, restaurants, airlines, as well as travel planning and hotel, attraction and restaurant booking features.TripAdvisor and its websites have subsites in 49 markets worldwide, with an average of 415 million unique visits per month.
KKday Korea
booking global travel activities, tickets, transportation pass, day trip, restaurant reservation. Korea
Hotel, air ticket, train reservation.
Korea Tourism Board
Korea Tourism official website, introducing Korea tourism, Korea accommodation, Korea food and other practical information, about your travel to Korea!
Jingfu Palace
Gyongbokkung is a famous ancient palace located in the Jongno district of Seoul, Korea, which was built in 1394 by the founder of the Lee Dynasty, Taejo Lee Sung-gye.
Seoul History Museum
Seoul Museum of History website.
Korea Hatsuyama Aquarium
Introduces the living habits and knowledge of various marine organisms.
Seoul Official Tourism Website
Seoul's official tourist information site, introducing Seoul's history, general information, tourist information, accommodation guide, and sightseeing spots.
Omio Korea
Omio is a travel search engine available in the UK and Europe. We compare trains, buses and flights from over 300 companies to find only the fastest and cheapest trips for you.
Expedia Korea
The world's leading online travel company Expedia Korea site, providing hotel reservations, special airfares, car rentals, and travel vacations.
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