

Korea Indoor Playground

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brief introduction

PlayDoci:Korea Indoor PLAY DOCI is one of the famous indoor playgrounds in Korea, and PLAY DOCI is a complex rest center. There is not only a ski resort but also a thermal water world and a golf course. This is not only the first large indoor artificial ski resort in Korea, its opening has made Korea the 12th country in the world to have an indoor ski resort.

PLAYDOCI Indoor Ski Resort is located in the center of Bucheon. The ski area is 270 meters long and 70 meters wide, making it the best choice for beginners.

PLAY DOCI indoor ski resort is very cold, after entering you will feel that Wendy is really at zero degrees, first take the escalator up, then the ski tub with three seats together, and slide down the track, the speed is very fast.

Korea Indoor Playground
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