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Korea ZUM Portal

ZUM Internet is a Korean company founded by Zum It is also a website navigation + local search + popular information in one site. Because of its comprehensive services and contents, and excellent experience, it is loved by Korean local users and is currently the third largest search market share in Korea.

ZUM website mainly provides search services as the main The website supports user login and editing of home page settings, adding users' favorite websites, related subscription news, stock market quotes, weather forecasts, etc. The website is a successful brand of WEB2.0 functionality. As of July 2014, the website has more than 1 million unique users per month.


NAVER (rainbow [sè gū]) is a search engine of NHN Korea and a famous portal site in Korea, which was officially launched in June 1999. The unique search engine has made it a leader in the Korean language search field.

Interest Network Interactive Platform

Interest.ME:Interests ME is an Internet platform where you can select your favorite music, movies, fashion, travel, sports, etc. and put them in your own space to share with your friends. is Korea's emerging It supports smartphones, so no matter when or where you are, you can access the latest video content on the site through mobile software as long as you have access to the Internet.


Paran is a famous comprehensive portal site in Korea, which belongs to KTH, a famous Korean communication company, and mainly provides comprehensive internet services such as search engine, yellow page query, regional information, weather forecast, games, novels, shopping, news, and animation.

Nate Portal

Nate (Korean: 네이트) is an influential portal site in Korea, and is known as one of the top three Korean portals along with Naver (rainbow folks) and Daum. The site mainly provides a full range of network services such as Internet, cell phones, PDAs, car systems and other wired and wireless functions. is a famous portal in Korea, mainly providing users with comprehensive web services such as news, latest information, entertainment, technology, blogs, shopping, videos, etc. in Korean and English.

Yahoo! Korea

Yahoo! Korea is the Korean branch of the portal giant and one of the most widely used portals in Korea, created in 1997. is a mainstream media website in Korea, mainly providing news and information on politics, economy, culture, society and business in Korea and abroad, and the website is available in multiple languages for internet users around the world.

NAVER is a famous portal and search engine website in Korea under NHN Corporation, and its search engine is ranked first.
MSN Korea
MSN Korea website, news, shopping, Hotmail, chat service portal.
Korea's comprehensive portal, it and DAUM, NAVER and known as the three major portals in Korea. News, search engine, e-mail, entertainment news, entertainment video, online shopping, fashion life, movies, animation, cars, etc., has become the top portal site in Korea.
A comprehensive portal in Korea, covering communication, content, business and community services. It is worth mentioning that many Korean stars have their small "homes" here, and the literary section of the site can be said to be the birthplace of Korean online fiction.
Korea comprehensive portal site.
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