

Korea Auction comprehensive shopping website

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brief introduction

is a comprehensive shopping site in Korea, the first shopping site in Korean history. It is the first shopping site in the history of Korea, offering a wide range of products such as computers, home appliances, communications, fashionable groceries, books, and household goods.

Founded in 1998, Seoul Auction, established in 1998, is the largest auction house in Korea, with a market share of up to 50 percent, and has recently been successfully listed on the Korea Stock Exchange. The company's total auction turnover in 2007 reached US$96.4 million, a rapid three-fold increase over the previous year, and last year's total turnover ranked 11th in the world, according to Shen Meicheng.

According to the data, last year's global auction turnover ranked the first is Christie's, the second is Sotheby's, China's Guardian and Hanhai ranked fourth and fifth respectively.

Korea Auction comprehensive shopping website
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