

Korea Vimy Shop Discount Network

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brief introduction

WemakePrice:Korea WemakePrice is one of the largest group buying sites in Korea, established in October 2010, with cumulative sales of 40 billion won in 6 months since its inception, and currently has about 450 employees and 1.2 million site members.

Wemakeprice website spokesperson It is popular in Korea and Japan, the popular group KARA's Gohora, interesting is Gohora's name in Korean means "save", is also the hope that the star endorsement to the site to bring good effect, and not surprisingly Gohora endorsement, the business is also gradually increased.

WeMakePrice uses large pictures to display products, both the composition of the photography and the clarity of the pictures are very good, effectively stimulating the user's desire to buy, and the top right corner of the page scrolls to show the ranking of popular products. The average monthly sales of this year reached 10.5 billion won (about RMB:63 million), and the staff of more than 40 at that time also rose with the growth of business to 450 today. With the growth of the business, the number of staff has increased to 450. The number of website members is 1.2 million.

Korea Vimy Shop Discount Network
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