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Finland Illustration Art Website

Laura Laine is from Finland She is a freelance illustrator, specializing in fashion illustration, with a style similar to crayon and charcoal drawings. The style is similar to crayon painting and charcoal painting. Black and white is the main color. The Finnish girl with black-framed glasses has already published a lot of her work in the local Finnish fashion bible magazine PAP. She has also done a lot of illustrations for Zara and Elle.

Laura is a girl who has no plans for the future and likes to listen to all kinds of things. Laura is a young person who doesn't have any plans for the future, likes to listen to a variety of music, likes to draw and hang out with friends, and is a girl who likes to draw pencil pictures.

Laura Laine has been working for major brands including Laura Laine has created fashion illustrations for many fashion brands including Prada YSL ZARA, etc. Laura, who comes from a fashion background, wants to simply use simple brushes compared to designing fashion. Laura is a fashion student who wants to use simple brush strokes to express her own fashion concept and attitude.

She is good at using pencil and ink pen, the unique pure black and the pure white of the paper itself. The attention to form and line detail that she uses to complete her work gives Laura's women an infinite variety of moods.

The most distinctive feature of Laura's work is the vivid softness and delicacy of her girls' hair, which can be drawn out in black and white alone. Each of her works demonstrates Laura's unique talent for the beauty of detail. The mysterious beauty of the surreal is always irresistible, not to mention that it comes from

Finland National Gallery website National Gallery of Finland is The National Gallery of Finland is the largest art organization and national cultural institution in Finland, started in 1846, its main mission is to strengthen the national art collection, organize diversified exhibitions and bring art to the public.

The core units of the National Gallery of Finland include: Ardennes Museum of Art, Chiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Sinopolis Museum of Contemporary Art, and the National Gallery of Finland. The core units of the National Gallery of Finland include: Adenau Museum of Art, Chiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Sinebrychoff Museum of Art and Central Art Archive. It currently employs about 270 people, 214 of whom are permanent employees.

The art collection of the Finnish National Gallery is the most extensive in the country. Its historical layers go all the way back to the mid-19th century when the Finnish Art Society was responsible for forming and accruing the first public art collection in Finland. The Finnish Art Society started collection activities in 1849. They strived to form a model collection for their Drawing School.

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In 1868, art collection accrual was added to the Art Society rules. The collection was placed in a trust in 1939, and the Finnish Fine Arts Academy Foundation took over its administration. The collection was placed in a trust in 1939, and the Finnish Fine Arts Academy Foundation took over its administration.

The current collection covers a wide spectrum of art history from

The current collection covers a wide spectrum of art history from medieval icons to the latest contemporary art.

Museum of Fine Arts, Turku, Finland

TurunTai:Finland's Turku The Museum of Fine Arts is the second largest visual art collection in Finland, with 101 years of artworks. The exhibition reproduces the history of Finnish media art from early to modern times, and includes some foreign artworks, Scandinavian artworks, etc.

Turku Turku, known in Sweden as "Ob". Finland's main port city. At the mouth of the Orajoki River in southwest Finland, on the Gulf of Bothnia. It has a population of 175,000 and is the oldest city in the country. It is the second most important cultural center after Helsinki. It is home to the University of Turku and the Turku School of Economics, as well as a huge library and a variety of cultural facilities such as museums and theaters. Here you can get to know the Finnish folklore through the brushstrokes of artists.

Turun taidemuseo esittelee vuonna 2013 vahvoja kotimaisia tekijöitä ja tunnettuja nimiä kansainvälisiltä taideareenoilta. ohjelmistossa painottuvat 1900- ja 2000-luku, surrealismi ja Lähi-itä. kevään avaa 25.1. tunnettu Lapinkuvaaja ja taiteilijapersoona Reidar Särestöniemi, jonka ekspressiivinen maalausjälki räiskäyttää nähtäväksi niin taiteilijan monet alter egot, Lapin luonnon kuin lappilaisen kansanperinteen. kesällä tutustutaan tunnetuimpiin ruotsalaisiin surrealisteihin lukeutuvan Max Walter Svanbergin unenomaiseen fantasiamaailmaan, jossa kauneus kohtaa kauhun. Syksyn kruunaa IC-98, kahden turkulaisen kuvataiteilijan Visa Suonpään ja Patrik Sö derlundin työryhmä, monikerroksellisella ja vaikuttavalla kokonaisuudellaan ABENLAND. Näyttelyiden ohella vuosi tuo mukanaan myös runsaasti oheisohjelmaa.

Finland Design Exchange Forum

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In 1875, when Finland was still under Russian rule. A group of influential people in the field of culture and industry founded The Finnish Society of Crafts and Design. At the beginning, the society worked together with the Finnish Fine Arts Association to manage a museum and an industrial art school.

In 1965, the school was nationalized by the Finnish government and later became the present University of Art and Design Helsinki. After the separation of the school and the museum, the association began to change its direction. At the end of the 1980s, a new organization with an international name, Design Forum Finland, was founded, whose core business is the promotion of Finnish design among small and medium-sized enterprises. Its activities mainly include exhibitions, competitions and publications in Finland and abroad.

The Finnish Design Forum strives to To establish a relationship between designers and industries and enterprises that need design services, and also to provide enterprises with some specific solutions to enhance the innovation capacity of enterprises and thus gain more profit margin. In order to promote the export of design products, the Finnish Design Forum organizes international projects that bring together people from companies and individual designers to launch new products.

DesignForum: Finnish Design Exchange Forum CEO of Miguel The CEO of the Forum is Mikko Mikko Kalhama, CEO of the Finnish Design Forum, said: "The Finnish Design Forum works on many levels.

One, committed to Finland, mainly with Finnish domestic enterprises, but also with various government agencies in Finland, like the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Trade and We also cooperate with various government agencies in Finland, such as the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Trade and Industry and other national ministries, to influence or participate in the formulation of national strategies and policies related to design; we also work closely with many design schools in Finland to establish a close design alliance.

Secondly, on an international scale, we organize various design events, design forums, and publish a lot of information about Finnish design, and we also cooperate with various design organizations and We also cooperate with various design organizations and institutions in the world, including various design organizations in Scandinavia, often together to share some information, but also together to organize some activities."

The Finnish Design Forum regularly It publishes an annual Finnish Design Book, featuring the year's top designers and design work. The most influential award is the Young Designer of the Year award. This award will launch one or two very good young designers every year, generally in a few years into these young designers are able to become the leading figures in the Finnish design industry.

About the Finnish Design Forum The main funding we get is from the Finnish Ministry of Trade and Industry, and we also charge our corporate members a membership fee.

We do receive some corporate sponsorships, but these probably only account for about 20% of our funding. Our organization has been around for more than 100 years, and over those years we've invested in projects that have accumulated some funds, and we've received some financial support from some foundations."
New book out in 2010:

Finland's Ardennes Museum

(Ateneum Art The Ateneum Art Museum is one of the oldest art museums in Finland, built in 1887 and located across from Helsinki Central Station.

Ateneum: Finland's Ateneum Art Museum It has the largest collection of classical art in Finland, with a large number of important works from the Finnish Golden Age, including works from the mid-18th to the mid-20th century, including Rodin's bronze sculpture "The Thinker" and paintings by Van Gogh, Gauguin and Cézanne.

Finnish Design Association

Updated: 2020-09-18
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