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Sailfish Mobile System Official Website

Jolla:Sailfish mobile system is designed by Jolla is the first Jolla cell phone system successfully launched last year by the design team of Nokia MeeGo system.

Talking about Jolla cell phone may not be known by many people. The Jolla phone is equipped with Sailfish (Sailfish system), which was developed based on the MeeGo system that was "abandoned" by Nokia.

Jolla Ltd. is an independent Finnish company that designs, develops and sells smartphones with the MeeGo operating system, and is committed to continuing to advance the MeeGo project. Jolla will continue to promote MeeGo after Nokia launched Nokia N9 with MeeGo and announced to abandon MeeGo for Windows Phone platform. The Jolla team is largely created by former Nokia employees, including former Nokia executives and core engineers who worked on Nokia's MeeGo and N9, as well as the best and brightest from the MeeGo community, and Jolla plans to release its smartphone products in 2012. The name "Jolla" means "agile boat" in Finnish.

MeeGo is the product of a merger between Nokia's Maemo operating system and Intel's Moblin operating system, all three Linux-based operating systems. Nokia abandoned MeeGo for the Windows Phone platform. A few months after Nokia decided to abandon the MeeGo operating system, Intel switched to a partnership with Samsung and others to migrate MeeGo to the new Tizen operating system. This also announced that the main promoters, Nokia, Intel, and the Linux Foundation, all withdrew from the MeeGo project, and the Linux Foundation called on MeeGo supporters to switch to Tizen.

However, the MeeGo community decided to carry on with MeeGo and developed The MeeGo community rebuilt MeeGo according to its ultimate purpose and managed the project with care, continuing the previous work and not letting the previous efforts go down the drain.

The first product of the Jolla project is a mass-market smartphone, aimed at the average user. This product also comes with a "developer mode" to meet the needs of developers and enthusiasts." Jolla will release a developer version of the device, providing a complete access portal for Linux hackers and tech enthusiasts.

Mer is an open source, mobile device optimized, core operating system distribution for device manufacturers; it is powered by Qt/QML and HTML5 - open for development, all inclusive and meritocratic.

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