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Here map

Here Maps is a mapping service provided by, providing location, geographic information system and other services, with maps of more than 200 countries and regions, providing voice navigation in nearly 100 countries, running on a variety of operating systems such as Windows Phone, iOS, Android, Firefox OS, etc. In 2015, Here maps were acquired by the German car company, ,.


Foreca is a weather forecasting website in Finland, mainly providing information on local real-time weather conditions, 5-day weather forecasts, satellite clouds and so on. The website is available in English, French, Dutch, Japanese and 33 other languages.

AltaVista Finlan
AltaVista Finland site, AltaVista is a full-featured search engine, once famous, but now its position has been replaced by Google. Even so, it is still considered to be the most complete function, search precision full-text search.
Google Fineland
Google Finnish web search engine.
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