

Finland Castle Travel Chinese Website

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brief introduction

Finland's castles are the pride of the Finns and the world It is the most important and famous attraction in Finland, and the jewel of the sea outside Helsinki.


Built more than 250 years ago on a string of small islands in the sea off Helsinki, Finlandborg is the largest surviving sea fortress in the world, and in The fortress, castle, and barracks built by the Swedes on the island 250 years ago have been preserved intact to this day.

In 1973, Finland Castle ceased to be a military base and was handed over to non-military authorities. An independent government department was established to manage the Vinland Castle. As a part of the local community, but the castle still has its military purpose. The battle flag or the swallow-tailed Finnish flag still flies over the castle.

Finland Castle was never just a part of Helsinki, it was a city within a city. Today about 700 people live on the island and half of them work there. Finlandborg is not just a museum either, the Finland Naval Academy is located on one of the islands and the public can take the ferry to Finlandborg all year round.

In the 1970s a tunnel was built to supply heating, water and electricity, which can also be used in case of emergency. Finland Castle has always been considered a temple of art, which concentrates the whole history of Finland, which is expressed in each house, most obviously in the architectural style. The different styles of different periods are harmonized here. As a military building, it is unique in the world.

Many European cultural trends entered Finland through the fortress, and now many high level cultural events are held in the Finnish castle every year, where craftsmen and workers repairing traditional sailing ships still retain the use of traditional crafts.

Finland Castle is not only one of the most important attractions in Finland, but also a home for 800 people. The administration of the Finnish castle, under the Ministry of Education and Culture, is responsible for the restoration, maintenance and development of this maritime fortress, as well as for the coordination of tourism and visitor services. The castle fortress facilities and garrison buildings have been converted into residences, studios for artists and craftsmen as well as meeting and banquet rooms, restaurants and museums.

Finland Castle Travel Chinese Website
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