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University of Alto

Aalto University is a comprehensive university in Finland, located in Espoo and Helsinki, formed in 2010 by the merger of Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki University of Art and Design, and Helsinki School of Economics.

at Jyväskylä Institute of Technology

Jyväskylän Ammattikorkeakoulu, also known as the Jyväskylän Institute of Applied Sciences, is a Finnish public institution of higher education accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education, offering undergraduate and master's degree education, as well as open learning programs, continuing education, teacher training, etc. Courses are offered in Finnish and English, with four faculties: Business and Service Management, Health and Social Studies, Technology, and Teacher Education.

Kemitorio Institute of Technology

Kemi-Tornion ammattikorkeakoulu, also known as Kemi-Tornion University of Applied Sciences, was formed in 1992 by the merger of several higher vocational education institutions in the Kemi-Tornion region, offering mainly undergraduate and master's programs, with departments of business The University offers undergraduate and master's degree programs in three departments: Business and Culture, Health Care and Social Services, and Technology, with majors in Business Administration, Business Information Technology, Business Administration, Information Technology Engineering, Health Sciences, and Social Sciences.

Kalyani Institute of Technology

Kajaanin ammattikorkeakoulu (Kajaanin ammattikorkeakoulu) Finland's top university of applied sciences, founded in 1992, accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education, the language of instruction is Finnish and English, offering undergraduate and master's programs, with four faculties: business, tourism, health and sports, and engineering. The University of Applied Sciences was founded in 1992 and is accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education. The University has four faculties: Business, Tourism, Health and Sports, and Engineering;

Oulu Polytechnic Institute

Oulun seudun ammattikorkeakoulu (Oulun Institute of Technology) is a leading international university in Finland, founded in 1996, located in the province of Oulu, and has close cooperation with universities or polytechnics in more than 30 countries, mainly offering bachelor's degree programs, with major specialties It offers bachelor's degree programs in the fields of literature, natural resources and environment, natural sciences, social sciences and business management, public health, information technology, etc.

University of Finland Turku

The University of Turku is a public university in Finland, founded in 1920, located in Turku, with about 20,000 students, a member of the Coimbra Group, with faculties of humanities, mathematics and natural sciences. It is a member of the Coimbra Group, with faculties of Humanities, Mathematics and Natural Sciences;

Elan Polytechnic Institute

Högskolan på Åland (Högskolan på Åland), the Netherlands' leading polytechnic, Swedish-language courses, its predecessor was founded in 1997, the University of Applied Sciences in Åland, later merged with the Open University of Åland on January 1, 2003, to become the current name, mainly provides teaching economics, maritime, technology, nursing and The teaching mode is small class teaching, more convenient communication between teachers and students.

Finland Academy of Fine Arts

The Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki is an art university in Helsinki, founded in 1848, offering undergraduate, master and doctoral education in painting, sculpture and printmaking. It offers undergraduate, master and doctoral education in painting, sculpture and printmaking;

LingVist|Artificial AI Intelligent Learning English Platform

LingVist is a language learning service founded by a man who grew up The main focus is on fast, smart and efficient learning, using big data statistics of the most commonly used English words in life, combined with artificial intelligence learning, from English rookie, to understand English videos and articles, as long as 200 hours, so that your English progress as fast as the speed of light!

Lingvist currently offers English, French, Spanish, Russian, and other languages. The app is available in 13 languages, including French, Spanish, Russian, German, Arabic, Japanese, Portuguese and Estonian, and has more than 450,000 users; of course, the cell phone supports Android and iOS systems, allowing you to learn at any time in bits and pieces to achieve your goals faster.

Lingvist's founder, Mait Müntel, is from Estonia in Eastern Europe. Born in 1979, Müntel graduated from the University of Tartu in Estonia with a doctorate in theoretical physics and was awarded the Estonian Young Scientist Award in 2009.

"Every click the user makes, the computer analyzes! This software knows which words the user knows? How do you remember it? What high frequency words do you need to learn? How much time does it take?" The user's typing speed, the length of answers to questions, and the length of time spent thinking about learning habits are all recorded, and Muttell converts this valuable data into a forgetting curve model and an interval repetition memory model to find the most appropriate learning frequency for the individual.

That is to say, through data analysis, to understand the individual's language learning patterns, and therefore can "customize" the final system to "tailor the teaching". "The average person is only 2 to 3 times slower than the world's fastest runner, but the difference in mental ability, such as memory, can be 10 or even 100 times. But surprisingly, none of the language learning software takes this into account," Muttell said. Muttell points out.

In addition, the application selects words that are high in frequency in the language, and Muttell analyzes a large amount of text to find out how often each word is used in sentences and grammatical concepts. "The more frequent the words, the earlier they should be learned. For example, beer and junkyard are 1.79 million times more commonly used than junkyard.

Although Google is also researching language translation systems, Google's development in the field of artificial intelligence may allow the real-time translation system to reach perfection, but the communication between people also needs language, especially the emotional communication in daily life, which needs language to maintain, and these cannot be replaced by mere technology alone can replace. And the development of artificial intelligence, more human into the era of lifelong learning, language learning still has its necessity.

Scandinavian Online Education Editing Platform

Eliademy:Scandinavian Online Education The editorial platform is an online educational platform produced by Finnish start-up CBTec, providing free cloud-based tools to teachers and students who need to teach online; it is the most simple, elegant and fast educational editorial platform in Scandinavia.

Our mission is to make education accessible to the masses, because we We believe that everyone should have access to education. The great ancient Greek philosopher Plato founded the world's first academy in the Olive Grove (translated as Elia in Greek). While this laid the groundwork for mass education, unfortunately, Plato's Academy is a private, free institution open only to Greeks. We wanted to expand on this idea and make education available to everyone in the world, so we created Eliademy.

Features of the Eliademy platform:

1. Create beautiful courses in just three steps

Create and edit online courses, forums and quizzes in real time, add and share files and multimedia to your courses. With just a few clicks, our industry-leading visual editor can make your course look like an expensive textbook.

2. Anytime, anywhere

Our mobile solution lets you access Eliademy from Macs, PCs, tablets, and smartphones. you can create a complete You can create a complete course on your tablet, preview all course documents (including Microsoft Office) in your browser, and even complete a quiz on your phone.

3. Keep up with your studies

Eliademy provides you with a teaching calendar where each student can find all assigned courses, quizzes and important deadlines. The calendar is available to all students. To ensure that your students receive all important academic updates, we also offer news subscriptions and email notifications, where students can personalize their learning plans.

4. Have your own teaching management system

Eliademy is built for educators. If you can't get full support from your IT department when offering guest lectures or corporate training, and you're looking for an easy-to-use course sharing solution, we recommend you try Eliademy. just add your students' email addresses and they'll be on board in no time with a learning management system that's completely at your disposal.

Eliademy gives teachers and students a free web-based classroom for creating, sharing and managing courses. Eliademy's friendly and intelligent user interface is easy to use. Teachers can interact with students anytime, anywhere through forums, videos, pictures, news, visual notifications, and calendars.

Eliademy was founded in February 2012 with the full support of CBTec Ltd, founded by the former Nokia senior team. Eliademy is an open source technology-based platform built with Finnish educators and students, and you can use Eliademy for free;

Vassar College of Technology

Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu, also known as Vaasan University of Applied Sciences, Finland's top public higher technical institute, is an international, multidisciplinary, research-oriented university, its predecessor was founded in 1849 as the Vaasan School of Practical Technology, with the Faculty of Business Economics and The College of Business, Economics and Tourism, the College of Health Care and Social Services, the College of Technology and Communications, the three faculties, the language of instruction in Finnish, Swedish and English. The language of instruction is Finnish, Swedish and English;

University of Turku in Swedish

Swedish University of Turku (Swedish: Åbo Akademi, Åbo Akademi University) is a public comprehensive university in Finland, founded in 1918, located in Turku, as a member of the Coimbra Group, is the only comprehensive university in Finland taught in Swedish.

University of the Arctic_UArctic

The University of the Arctic (UArctic) is an international educational organization founded in 2001 by the Arctic Council, with an international secretariat in Rovaniemi, Finland, to improve the quality of universities in the Arctic Circle, and is an organization of universities, colleges and other organizations in the Arctic Circle. It is a collaborative network of universities, colleges and other organizations in the Arctic Circle.

Sema Institute of Technology

Saimaan ammattikorkeakoulu (Saimaa University of Applied Sciences), formerly known as the South Karelia Institute of Technology, is accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education and offers undergraduate and master's degree programs in business administration, art and design, health and social services, technology, tourism and hospitality. The University of Applied Sciences, formerly known as the South Karelia Institute of Technology, is accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education.

Finnish Theatre Institute

Teatterikorkeakoulu, the largest performing arts university in Finland, plays an important role in the field of performing arts and was founded in 1979 to provide undergraduate, master and doctoral programs of higher education. It is accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education. It is accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education;

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