

National Pushkin Museum of Plastic Arts

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brief introduction

ArtsMuseum:State The Pushkin Museum of Plastic Arts is one of the largest museums of world art in Russia, second in importance only to the Ermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. The collection includes replicas of famous buildings from ancient Greece to the Renaissance, ancient Greek relics and monuments, beautiful ancient vases and coins, and Italian paintings from the 18th to 19th centuries.

The Pushkin Museum of Plastic Arts was founded in It was first called the Museum of Fine Arts in 1912, located in the center of Moscow on Volkhonka Street, and was renamed in 1937 in honor of the great Russian poet Pushkin. The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts houses more than 640,000 sculptures and paintings from European and Russian artists from the ancient Roman and Greek periods to the present. There are many original works of painters such as Degas, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Matisse, Picasso and other impressionists and abstractionists on display.

The museum's collection was greatly expanded in the 1920s with works from the Rumyantsev Museum in Moscow, the Ermitage Museum, and the Tretyakov Gallery, and the archaeological excavations of the ancient city on the northern shore of the Black Sea also greatly enriched the museum's collection.

The State Pushkin Museum of Plastic Arts has 4,500 paintings in its painting gallery. The museum's entire collection consists of 660,000 foreign works of art from antiquity to the 20th century. The gallery is replenished annually with works by Italian and Flemish painters.

Funds for the purchase of paintings are allocated by the Ministry of Culture. In addition, the museum uses its own money to buy paintings. The most valuable works in the collection are paintings by Dutch and Flemish painters (Rembrandt, Terbuch, Jordaens, Snyders, Rubens, Van Dyck), French painters (Poussin, Loren, Watteau, Boucher, David, Corot, Kubé, etc.) and other schools. The museum has works by the world's best French Impressionists (Monet, Pissarro, Renoir), Post-Impressionists (Van Gogh, Gau-Geng, Cézanne), and also works by Matisse and Picasso.

National Pushkin Museum of Plastic Arts
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