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brief introduction

Bluum:Mama Baby Paid Subscription Trial Bluum is an online subscription service dedicated to exploring and discovering new goodies for moms and babies. It is a new product exploration and trial products sent to the platform model. This sales method is very special, but also the United States recently popular a "subscription" service (members pay service).

This business model of paying a regular fee to gain access to a product or service is a very important one. The business model of paying a regular fee for the right to use a product or service is rapidly becoming popular on e-commerce sites.

The best and most sought-after mother and baby products are gathered on this monthly service that finds the most popular new health products. Each month, Bluum will send users a beautiful little gift box filled with 4-5 high quality sample sets (such as skin creams, lotions, small toys, snacks and baby wipes) to give moms the opportunity to easily try out those new beauty, health or baby care products. And by trying out the products and leaving a test drive to redeem the product offers.

Bluum keeps moms on the lookout for the latest and greatest in maternity and baby products. We recommend it to moms who like to try new products!
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