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brief introduction

Fashion Tech Lab is a platform that invests in socially conscious companies, connects technology and fashion companies, and develops new technologies and fashion design products in its own lab, founded by Russian Miroslava Duma.

" Fashion Tech Lab" is a team of 15 people working in Russia, China, the UK, Italy and the US, currently focusing on high performance fibers and flour, biotechnology, nanotechnology, wearable electronics and materials science.

Duma is a technology follower and feels that the future of the fashion industry must be integrated with technology, but the solution to the problems faced by consumers should be in the clothes themselves, "Think about what's happening in the world and Uber, AirBnB, Amazon and all these great companies. Amazon and so on these great companies, their platform algorithms are solving people's problems every single day".

Among the innovative raw materials Fashion Tech Lab is currently investing in are fabrics made from orange peels that have the texture of silk; diamonds that "grow" 16 carats every two weeks and are structurally identical to natural diamonds; and diamonds that are made from natural materials. The fabric made of milk protein has the texture of cashmere, and "can moisturize your body when you wear it".

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