Rostov State University of Transportation was founded in 1929 as the Rostov Institute of Transportation Engineering and Machinery, with only three departments: the Department of Railway Transportation, the Department of Waterway Transportation, and the Department of Highway Engineering, after 80 years of development, the university now has seven departments, four branches, and more than 42 teaching and research laboratories in a large educational and research institution, with the main The main departments are: Railway Transportation Automation, Telecommunication, Humanities, Highway Transportation Equipment, Architecture, Transportation Process Control, Electron Power, and Energy, and the main specialties are: Train, Locomotive, Railway Electricity Transportation, Engineering Protection of Environment, Railway Electricity Supply, Industrial Heat, Electromechanics, Railway Transportation Automation, Computer System and Network, Information System and Technology, Multiplex Communication System, Railway construction, economic and business management, accounting analysis and auditing, taxation and tax collection, business and lending, law, document organization management, social work, social and cultural services and tourism, human resources management, etc.
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