

Hand in hand to go to the end of the world photography network

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brief introduction

Murad Osmann is a Russian photographer who took a very loving set of photographs of his girlfriend holding his hand and leaving the same scenes in travel meccas around the world, visiting places such as Hong Kong, Jordan, France, Moscow, Azerbaijan, New York, etc.


Murad Osmann, Russian photographer, born in 1985, is on this interesting group of works called "Follow me", all the pictures are of a mysterious All the pictures are of a mysterious woman holding your hand and taking you to different beautiful places. In each photo, Murad reaches out and hooks his girlfriend's hand in front of him as he travels to an exotic landscape.

is an executive producer for Hype Productions, a film company that began its travels in Barcelona in October 2011, Murad faithfully documented every element of their trip as he followed his own line of sight and filmed the other half, by visiting his personal website You can enjoy the scenery of the world and the testimony of their love for each other.

Hand in hand to go to the end of the world photography network
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