

Moscow City Tour International Station

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brief introduction

MosCow:Moscow City Travel International is a national website introducing tourist attractions in Moscow, the capital of Russia, with comprehensive information on human geography, business, politics and culture of Moscow.

Moscow is the capital of Russia, an ancient yet young, diverse yet integrated city. Moscow is changing rapidly, while retaining its inherently Russian character. Moscow's thousand-year history is preserved through its architecture, the most outstanding of which is the Kremlin. Moscow has everything everyone needs, its people are hospitable and friendly. Welcome to Moscow, Russia starts from Moscow.

Moscow - The political and commercial center of Russia, within its territory are located the state agencies of the Russian Federation, the main financial and fiscal institutions, more than half of the commercial banks and specialized national banks, and some of the largest Russian and world companies are represented here.

Moscow is the largest commercial center of Russia and CIS countries, one of the faster growing metropolises in the world. Moscow is the leader of Russian business development, business assistance, introduction of new business technologies. Moscow is currently the center of the modern credit-financial system of Russia, and in the eyes of foreign investors it is the most attractive of all Russian regions for investment.

Moscow is an old yet young, diverse yet integrated city. Moscow is changing rapidly, while retaining its inherent Russian character.

Moscow City Tour International Station
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