

Visualize the website Internet Planet

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brief introduction

InterNet-Map: The visualization site Internet Planet is a visualization platform that showcases the world's Internet sites. The platform integrates data from 350,000 sites in 196 countries and links these "planets" together through relational links based on more than 2 million sites.

where cyan blue represents the United States, yellow represents China The green represents India, the dark blue represents Germany, and the red represents Russia. The size of each "planet" is determined by the traffic on its website, and the distance between "planets" is based on the frequency and strength of the links that appear and the links created when users jump. If you want to understand their specific algorithms, you can take a look at these two PDF documents that detail the way this giant universe was formed from a mathematical and engineering perspective, respectively.

This is a classic example of how big data mining can be visualized. In this Internet universe, every big website is a planet. You can enter a country to see the largest "planet" in this "galaxy", or you can directly enter a website to see the location of a "planet".

These planets are stars, planets, and even moons, each with its own specific galaxy. When you zoom in to a certain point, you can discover the magical relationship between these "planets", large and small.

Visualize the website Internet Planet
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