

Russia B2B foreign trade network

::::::::::::::: Site Details ::::::::::::::::
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brief introduction

OpenRussia:Russia B2B Foreign Trade Network is a virtual trading platform for small and medium-sized enterprises to showcase their products online, as well as a detailed product catalog and a portal for the exchange of enterprise products.

We offer cross- sectoral information and business exhibition portal

This is a portal with information about This is a portal with information about tens of thousands of businesses and hundreds of thousands of offers.

This is a convenient and affordable online

This is a convenient and affordable online platform for placing and effective promotion of your business offers.

NEW!!! NOW MORE FUNCTIONAL AND INTERNETSHOP! All visitors of our site are able to buy or order any of your products or services featured on the stand! Order form at that moment is in your mailbox (e-mail)! In counseling for potential buyers your products! All visitors of our site you have the opportunity to ask any question regarding the products on your Only one action, and the issue is a potential customer in your mailbox (e-mail)! This is a reliable way to regional partners and the fastest way to a meeting with your client.

Russia B2B foreign trade network
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