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East Timor Government

The website is the official website of the Government of Timor-Leste ( The website is the official website of the Government of Timor-Leste, providing an overview of the country, the Prime Minister's profile, government agencies, public services, agenda, current affairs, and related links. The website is available in German, Portuguese and English. The Democratic Republic of East Timor (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF TIMOR-LESTE; abbreviation: East Timor) is located in the easternmost tip of the Nusa Tenggara group of islands in southeastern Asia, the capital and seat of government in Dili, the official language is Tetum, Portuguese, the implementation of parliamentary republican system, the President is the head of state and the highest commander of the armed forces, the Prime Minister is the head of government.

Immigration Office in Timor-Leste

The website is the official website of the Immigration Service of Timor-Leste ( The website is the official website of the Immigration Service of Timor-Leste, providing information on the agency, immigration search, tourist and business visas, work visas, study visas, visas for other areas, residency, downloading related forms, answers to frequently asked questions, and more. The website is available in both English and Portuguese.

Chinese Embassy in Timor-Leste

The Chinese Embassy in the Democratic Republic of East Timor ( EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF EAST TIMOR) Information:
Address: Governor Serpa Rosa Road, Lighthouse District, Dili, East Timor Mailbox: P. O. BOX 131, DILI, EAST TIMOR< br> Country Code: 00670

Duty: 3325163, 77275674/77231718 (Mobile)
Consulate Department: 3325169, 77461209 (mobile)
Courtesy: 3325163, 77231718 (mobile)
Fax: 3325166

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