

German RZB Leuchten Lighting Brand

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brief introduction

is one of the top ten lighting companies in Germany, providing excellent quality and technologically advanced lighting products for RZB Leuchten is one of the top ten lighting companies in Germany, providing customers with excellent quality and technologically advanced lighting products. RZB Leuchten factory occupies more than 100,000 square meters, employs 450 people, and has developed more than 10,000 product items. The brand is known for its excellent design, advanced technology, easy installation and user-friendly products.

The company was founded in Bamberg by Rodolfo Zimmermann (Austria). Zimmermann (Austrian Central Cooperative Bank). Production of consumer goods for electrical industry. Expansion of the range of products by internal processing and treatment of glass, ceramics, plastics, metals.

1948 The company makes glass and ceramic products and starts the process of growth of the lamp manufacturing industry. Its products were introduced in the "Industry and Export Exhibition" and started export business.

1953 Transformed from a craft business to a global SME. In the 1960s: Large series production of glass and all-plastic luminaires.

1959/1960 Began metalworking and finishing. Started bulk-head ISO oval production luminaire.

1971 Luminaire emergency luminaire manufacturing, signage and communication systems.

1974 Product range expanded to include projectors and tracks.

1978Zimmermann investor and director RZB-Leuchten is registered in the Bamberg commercial register. Expansion of the product range garden luminaires.

Production of high-tech projection and spotlights from 1988 onwards.

German RZB Leuchten Lighting Brand
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