

Germany Haribo Candy official website

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brief introduction

Haribo is a company founded by(Hans Riegel in Bonn) was founded in 920 as a company dedicated to the generation of candy, known worldwide for the invention of gummy bears, this kind of childish and rich elastic gummy can be said to have grown up with generations of people in Europe and Western countries, and is now sold in 102 countries around the world.

The history of Haribo is a unique saga of success! Founded in a small backyard laundry on the outskirts of Bonn with a bag of sugar and a copper kettle, Haribo has grown to become one of the most successful and popular premium brands in the confectionery industry. And its success is not only limited to the German market: Haribo has already crossed borders and become the focus and star of the global market, the world market leader in the field of fruit gummies and licorice candies! The secret of Haribo's success lies mainly in the consistent and award-winning quality of its products over the decades.

In addition, Haribo has established a tightly connected production and sales network both domestically and globally. Of course, broadening the product range by purchasing the right domestic and international quality brands is also an important factor in achieving a leading position in the market. The development of a wide range of candy to suit the taste preferences of different countries has also contributed greatly to the international success of Haribo. Here you can learn about the worldwide sales network of the Haribo brand.

At the beginning of World War II, Hans Riegel Jr. and his brother Paul Riegel began the difficult task of rebuilding the The company was originally founded in 1920 in Bonn by the two men's father, Hans Riegel Sr. The brothers had a clear division of labor: Hans Riegel Jr. was responsible for sales and marketing, while his brother Paul Riegel (who died in 2009) was responsible for technical management. This division of labor has proven to be very successful from the beginning to the end.

In 1947, Hans Riggle Jr. graduated with a doctorate in economics from the University of Bonn. He had a precise business instinct and judgment, so his product strategies were always at the forefront of the market. In order to stay on top of this, he must always be aware of what his target group - children - are thinking. He draws inspiration from children's programs, teen magazines and comics. "I love children, they are my customers and my God. I have to know how they think, what they are expressing and what they love to eat," says Dr. Hans Riegel.

That's why he likes to get in touch with young people, especially the company's training trainees, whom he often invites to his birthday parties. It is his willingness to accept new things and his relentless pursuit of excellence that has ensured the successful development of Haribo over the years, and the cultivation of young talents is also Hans-Regel's persistent pursuit, which is also the purpose for which he founded the Hans-Regel Foundation.

In 1994, Dr. Hans Riegel was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit, First Class, for his outstanding contributions. The reasons for the award included his active participation in social causes and his contribution to the promotion of sports, especially badminton, which was then a relatively unknown sport in Germany, where he himself had won several German championships.

Dr. Hans-Riegel said this: "I do these things because I like them and I want to do them "In 2009, Dr. Hans Riegel was awarded the "Gold Medal of the Austrian Republic" in recognition of his decades of contribution to Austria. He seeks relaxation in the unique mountain scenery here, where he also unleashes his passion for hunting. This good physical strength is due to his regular fitness training, a routine that he continued until he reached his senior years. That's why he was able to extend his helicopter pilot's license on time. "One must be in control of one's body" is his motto.

In May 2010, Dr. Hans-Riegel was awarded the Légion d`Honneur, the Order of Merit of the French Legion, a recognition that honors those who have made important contributions to France and that is currently awarded to only a few people outside of France. Founded by Napoleon, it is the highest honor in the history of the French military.

For 67 years, Dr. Hans Riegel has been at the helm of Harribo's fortunes and is the longest-serving company executive in Germany. As a result, the leadership of the Haribo brand has been heavily influenced by him, as well as the familiar advertising slogan he coined, "Haribo makes children and adults happy". And in 1960 he began working with advertising partner Thomas Gottschalk. This 23-year relationship, which began in the early days of Haribo's marketing campaign, was a significant one.

His recent successes have been mainly in product innovation, such as the launch of "Fruit Cocktail", "Panda" gummies and "Happy Coke", and his decision to continue to expand in Germany for the long term.

Dr. Hans Riegel's bold and innovative spirit has influenced the development of the sweet industry in Germany and abroad for decades. Dr. Hans Riegel passed away on October 15, 2013 at the age of 90. Dr. Hans-Riegel dedicated his life to his Haribo brand and always pursued his ideal goal with great passion: to bring more happiness to people's daily lives with Haribo products!

Hans Riegel, born in 1893 in Friesdorf near Bonn, was trained as an apprentice confectioner after high school He spent more than five years at Kleutgen & Meier, and then worked in the manufacturing plants of Meyer Neuss and Osnabrück.

After the First World War, Hans Riegel became the shareholder of the Hornung company in the small town of Kessenich in Bonn In 1920 Hans Riegel set up his own company, which was renamed Heinen & Riegel. Hans Riegel bought a house in the small town of Kesselnich, which was then considered a suburb of Bonn, and established his first factory there. The start-up capital was only a bag of sugar, a chair, a brick oven, a copper kettle and a roller.

Hans Riegel bought a house in the small town of Kessenich, which was still considered a suburb of Bonn, where Hans The start-up capital was only a bag of sugar, a chair, a brick oven, a copper kettle and a roller. This is where the world-famous Haribo company started: a small backyard kitchen.

In 1920, Hans Riegel registered the company as Haribo, taking the first two letters of each word from his name and the location of the company - Bonn. 1921 Hans Riegel married his wife Ger Later, Gertrude became the first employee of the new company, our "Mama Bear".

Germany Haribo Candy official website
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