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A 3D social platform based on Google Earth

YoubeQ: A Google Earth-based 3D social platform is a social network that relies on Google Earth (run in the browser through the Google Earth plug-in). 3D maps can be viewed in a twisted perspective of street scenes, three-dimensional shape of buildings, the user immersive experience, the experience is non-gorgeous, indescribable.

Have you ever wanted to be able to travel anywhere in the world, explore new places, meet new people? YoubeQ makes it possible for people to explore the world and learn more about cities, landscapes and buildings without ever leaving.

YoubeQ can directly display YoubeQ can directly display the 3D trees and buildings in Google Earth, so you can feel like you are there. Everyone enters YoubeQ as a little person riding a Segway, you can choose where you want to go, chat with the passersby you meet, explore the world to earn medals, and more gameplay is still under development.

youbeQ is full of places. A place is something that people share. It can be a story, a picture, information, Your imagination is the limit. Start sharing places you like with the world, and find the Start sharing places you like with the world, and find the most interesting ones!

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