

Team task collaboration management platform

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brief introduction

Wunderkit:Team Wunderkit is an application that allows you to organize meetings, develop projects, etc. It is a tool for event and project management.

Wunderkit is based on its own task Based on its own task management function and the microblogging style of user communication, Wunderkit makes everything pass so fast, allowing every participating user to discuss and give comments, and supporting iPhone, so we can always follow the progress of event organization and project progress.

Wunderkit is another masterpiece of the 6Wunderkinder team after Wunderlist, which not only integrates Wunderlist's task management functions, but also optimizes the interface for project management, making Wunderkit Wunderkit is more suitable for teamwork.

In this new team project management application, the main feature is that the project and user are separated, making the project more open, each project can be followed by anyone and get project updates, and the user can also follow any project they are interested in at the same time, overturning the This subverts the previous closed project management concept and makes the whole website a community of many open projects.

Team task collaboration management platform
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