

The official website of the German Exhibition Industry Association

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brief introduction

Association of The Association of the German Trade Fair Industry (AUMA) is an organization that prepares the official German participation in foreign trade fair programs with the assistance of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology and the Ministry of Consumer Protection, Nutrition and Agriculture.

Within the scope of the program, the German government provides German In the scope of the program, the German government provides considerable financial support for German companies to participate in exhibitions abroad and also provides such support for German companies to introduce themselves abroad. The commercial and policy interests in this area are coordinated by a special group responsible for foreign participation. Experts from export-oriented economic groups and ministries meet regularly in the group.

The members of the German Economic Exhibition and Fair Committee are: the outstanding groups of the German economy (industry, commerce and handicrafts); exhibitors and buyers interested in participation in exhibitions and exhibition construction companies; German exhibition organizers and companies implementing foreign participation programs.

The official website of the German Exhibition Industry Association
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