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Süddeutsche Zeitung

Süddeutsche Zeitung (Süddeutsche Zeitung; SZ; also known as: Süddeutsche Zeitung) is Germany's largest national daily newspaper in terms of circulation, published by subscription, was launched on October 6, 1945, and is based in Munich. The newspaper mainly provides political, cultural, economic and sports content. In addition, the newspaper has a supplement with selected articles every Monday.

Europe Times Online is the online version of the famous German Chinese newspaper Europe Times, which aims to provide comprehensive, reliable and timely news information for Chinese in Germany and Europe. The website not only provides microblogs, forums, news, radio and other services, but also collects links to large Chinese portals.

The Voice of Germany DW

Deutsche Welle (German: Deutsche Welle; DW) is a German international radio, television and Internet station, established on May 3, 1953, is a public media funded by the German government and one of the five largest radio stations in the world (the other four are, , , respectively).

Kicker Magazine

Kicker (kicker Sportmagazin) is a famous German sports magazine, specializing in international soccer related content, founded in 1920, published twice a week (Monday and Thursday), with an average sales volume of about 230,000 copies (2005). The Chinese edition of Kicker magazine has been discontinued.

Economic Weekly

Economic Weekly (WirtschaftsWoche) Germany's most influential economic weekly, founded in 1926, mainly provides global economic events, economic trend analysis, profound influence on the German-speaking countries of the decision-making level.

Stuttgart Gazette

Stuttgarter Zeitung is a newspaper published in Stuttgart, Germany, which can be viewed on the official website of Stuttgarter ZeitungBaden - The latest news, pictures and more from Württemberg and internationally.

Open Weather Forecast Map

OpenWeatherMap: OpenWeatherMap is a web-based service platform that provides free weather forecast data and predictions, suitable for any map-like service with additional weather functionality, open API for web and mobile applications.

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Deutsche Presse Agentur (DPA, German News Agency) is a well-known international news agency, founded in 1949 in West Germany, headquartered in Hamburg, as the official German news agency, broadcast in German, English, Spanish and Arabic. The news is broadcast in German, English, Spanish and Arabic.


European Pressphoto Agency (epa) is a national pressphoto agency headquartered in Frankfurt and founded in 1985. With its global network of photographers, it provides the highest quality visual information from around the world 7*24, offering reliable, independent and unbiased news coverage.

The Westminster Courier

"Weser-Kurier" (Weser-Kurier) important local newspaper in northwestern Germany, founded on September 19, 1945, headquartered in Bremen, mainly in the city of Bremen and the surrounding Saxony region. The website is its official website, mainly providing local news, international news, sports, television programs and other content.


Focus magazine is the third largest news weekly in Germany, and is also the rival of the German "Der Spiegel". It is by the famous German journalist Helmut Markwort (Helmut Markwort) and the German Hubert Burda media group leader Hubert Burda in January 18, 1993, the main readership for the social elite class. The magazine's layout mostly uses color pictures and classic infographics, and its views lean toward political conservatism and economic liberalism. In addition, the weekly also has two sub-publications, Focus on Wealth (FOCUS-MONEY, launched in March 2000) and Focus on Education (Focus- Schule, launched in January 2005).

Real-time 3D Dynamic Weather Forecast Network

MeteoEarth is a website that allows you to see the weather forecast of the world in real time, in addition to the temperature or rain conditions that we often check, this set can also look at the cloud layer, wind speed and even the current status of the typhoon, although it is in English but Basically, it's easy to understand, and through the 3D map you can view many data that you can't see in the weather forecast on TV.

July-August rainy season, just look at the map, good to a rain layer

There are two basic ways of presentation one is flat, like on the left, and the other is 3D which means we can use The other is 3D, which means that we can use our fingers to rotate the earth as if we were looking at a globe. Since it is global, you can use the magnifying glass to find out which city you are looking for. In addition to the temperature, you can also see the sea temperature. In addition to the temperature, you can also see the temperature of the sea, the general shape of the clouds, the wind speed and the direction of the wind, and you can also choose whether you want to see or take away the upper, middle and lower layers of clouds, when there are many clouds, there will be lightning on top, really professional

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ)

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) is a famous national daily newspaper in Germany, which was founded on November 1, 1949 in the city of Frankfurt and is one of the largest newspapers in Germany. In the German-speaking society is quite influential, and its main holder is the FAZIT Foundation. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung is also the most internationally known of the German serious newspapers, with a conservative viewpoint. On January 14, 2014, Schmieder's Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung published an article entitled "Japan's serious damage to peace", strongly condemning Japanese Prime Minister Abe's visit to the Yasukuni Shrine, a wrongful act that blatantly challenges the post-war international order.

Der Spiegelweekly
Der Spiegel, often translated as Der Spiegel, is one of the most famous German weekly magazines.
German "Picture Newspaper
"Bild" (German: BILD) is a German daily newspaper, published by Axel Springer AG and headquartered in Hamburg. Picture newspaper is the largest circulation in Europe, has a large number of readers, the formation of public opinion has a great influence.
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