

German Kicker Sports Network

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brief introduction

KicKer.DE:German Kicker The sports network is the largest professional sports print media in Germany, and the influence of the Kicker on the German public who love sports has long exceeded the scope of an ordinary sports magazine. The most authoritative German soccer promotion agency.

Kicker is based in Nuremberg The "Kicker" magazine is the oldest professional soccer magazine in Germany and the oldest soccer magazine in the world, which has been published for more than 80 years and has a circulation of about 400,000 copies. The Chinese edition of "Kicker" is the world's first weekly magazine with comprehensive coverage of international soccer.

The world's oldest soccer magazine, Kicker, has consistently provided realistic, professional and critical coverage of the sport throughout its 80+ year history. Whether it's players, coaches, club managers, league organizers or fans, Kicker is the "soccer bible".

German Kicker Sports Network
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